Ladies Fellowship forms both a social and a community face to our church.  We gather once each month for a meeting, a devotion, an activity and afternoon tea.  In this way we support each other and the work our church undertakes in our community and further afield.

This is a purely social fellowship, without Office Bearers or a formal meeting structure.  

Special ProjectsSamaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.  We fill 30 boxes for 5-9 year old children in overseas countries in time for Christmas delivery each year.  Contents include education and personal care supplies, clothing, toys, and surprise items. Donations are also welcome to fund the freight costs.  

The children are given the opportunity to attend Christian schooling sessions to teach them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many of them, and their families, make commitments to follow the way of Christ.

Meetings:  4th Monday of each month at 2pm. 

Venue:  member's homes, or the Wesley Centre attached to the church in Darling St.